Search type

Classics and Ancient History

Database search

Search all items by location
Region/Location options will be taken into account along with any other options selected in the Charter or People search areas below (you must use the appropriate search button for these sections).

Just choosing a Region/Location option (and clicking the search button for the location search) will pull back all data from the database that is associated with the selected option.

Charters (and related items) search
Options here will be taken into account together with any region/location selections above.
NOTE : Results returned will need to match all of the constraints specified.

Data entered is not valid
+/- years

Person search
Data entered into the 'name' box will be searched for in the entire name (i.e 'hil' will match 'Philomena' as well as 'Frankus, Man of the Hill')
NOTE : Again, results returned will need to match all of the constraints specified, and this includes any region/location data selected.

Person linked to charter search
NOTE : Again, results returned will need to match all of the constraints specified, and this includes any region/location data selected.