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Classics and Ancient History

Liber largitorius vel notarius monasterii Pharphensis
Editor : G. Zucchetti
Date of publication : 1913-1932
Place of publication : Rome
Charters in this edition
Date details : March 927
Charter type : Lease
Drawn up : Rome [Lazio]
Original : UNKNOWN
Consulted : YES

Content details :
Leo, monk and “medicus”, and his mother Rudus ask the abbot Ratfredus to rent (1) one "terra sementariciam", (2) the "curtis" with the church of Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo, (3) the "curtis" in Fornicata and the farmhouse called "Villa Rustica" in "territorium Sabinensi", near the Tiber, (4) all the vineyards in Quarazano, (5) the "curtis" of Tezano "in territorio Collinensi", at the price of one “denarius” per year.

Date details : June 936
Charter type : Lease
Drawn up : Farfa? [Lazio]
Original : UNKNOWN
Consulted : YES

Content details :
Ratfredus, abbot, rents to Leo, monk of his monastery and “medicus”, one farmhouse in Tervellianus, in "territorio Sabinensi", for the rest of his life, under the payment of three “denarii” every year.