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Classics and Ancient History

CDL II.231
Date details : August 769
Charter type : Testament
Drawn up : Pavia [Lombardy]

Content details :
In his testament, Gratus, deacon, son of the late Simplicius, from Monza, decides to found in his “curtis” in Monza the "oraculo" of San Salvatore e San Fedele and one xenodochium where three poors will be fed trice a week. The "oraculo" and the xenodochium will be owned by the basilica of San Giovanni in Monza.
Charter Instances
Codice Diplomatico Longobardo. Vol. II
Editor : L. Schiapparelli
Date of publication : 1933
Place of publication : Rome
Original : NO
Consulted : YES

Archivio Capitolare di Monza, Documenti
Location : Monza [Lombardy]
Original : NO
Consulted : NO
Links to people
Role : witness    Signed as : medicus
Designation details : medicus